10 Healthy Habits For The Busy Entrepreneurial Gal

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Hey there babe!

I’ve been wanting to write a post like this for a while now, but I’ve been telling myself: “you’re too busy”, “study instead”, “watch an entire season of The Vampire Diaries on Netflix,” BUT TODAY I said no more excuses, it’s time to practice what I’m about to preach.

We all find ourselves “too busy.” Whether it be with school, work, family, or our social lives, often times we feel that we don’t have enough hours in a day to do everything we want. I feel like this probably every day, If I’m being honest. But, good news is, this is totally okay. The trick is getting organized. If you think about it, there are 24 hours in a day. Let’s say you sleep for 8 hours, that still leaves 16 hours completely free. If you manage these 16 hours correctly, you’ll be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to without the stress.

I decided that 2019 is going to be a productive year, so why not share with you everything that I have been doing to help see this through.

Keep reading to see the new habits that I’ve started practicing to keep me right on track with my goals.

Habit #1: Wake up early

Yup, this is a tricky one. If you’re anything like me, this is probably going to be one of the most difficult habits to develop, but it’s one of the best. Every day try to set your alarm 10 minutes earlier so that you start creating a habit of getting up earlier.

I’ve started doing this & it has become much easier for me to get up at 8am. Waking up earlier allows you to fit more into your day, which is something we all need.

As an entrepreneur, you’re your own boss, which means you have to show up for yourself. To do this you need to get in the habit of creating a schedule for the day that will help you be as productive as possible and this of course, starts with getting up earlier. Once you do this, you’ll find that it’ll almost be natural to wake up early.

Habit #2: Invest in yourself.

You are the CEO of your life, so make a business plan for it.

We all want to live life on our own terms, be our own boss, and essentially, be financially stable while doing what we love. This is why it’s so important to invest in yourself. You need to learn to invest the money & time in the things that will make you and your business better.

One way to do this is to dedicate 1 hour (your “power hour”) to your goals. I, for instance, always dedicate 1 hour a day to my blog. Even on the days that I’m tired or unmotivated, I force myself to do something for this platform.

Another way to invest in yourself is to invest in tools that will help you meet your end goal. You can do this by investing in a resourceful course that will teach you all about social media marketing, for example. To follow your dreams, you’re going to need the necessary resources, so make sure to make this a priority. You are your business, so you need to put it first and do things that will help get you to the next level.

Have dreams & create an agenda to accomplish those dreams.

This is probably the most important thing you can do for yourself. Each and every day, do something that will get you closer to accomplishing your goal. Do not wait for tomorrow, do not put it off because you’re too tired. In those moments especially, when you feel like giving up, work 10x as hard.

Habit #3: Personal development is key

I can’t stress this enough & I’d actually like to thank my Monat team for this because I had NEVER looked into personal development. SO glad I did.

Personal development allows you to discover your potential so that you’re motivated to reach your dreams. There are so many activities that you can do for personal development, which is why I’m such a big fan. One of my personal favorites is listening to podcasts. When I’m in the car, instead of listening to music, I’ll listen to a podcast and find that I’ll be more inspired, motivated, and overall more positive throughout the day.

Practicing personal development also allows you to learn something new daily. Sometimes you’ll learn some tips and tricks and other times you’ll even learn things about yourself.

Habit #4: Encourage your team.

Every successful entrepreneur has a team that they owe their success to. Since I manage my blog, an online shop, & direct sales hair biz, I owe my success to A LOT of peeps. It’s important to recognize the work & effort that your team puts in & reward them for it.

Aside from owing my success to my right hand (love you mom), as a Monat market partner, I also heavily depend on my team. This is why I always take time to check up on every single person daily to make sure that everyone feels great with their business and their goals. It’s important that I know that everyone is on track and happy with what they are doing.

I also make sure that everyone is always motivated. I do this in a couple of ways but mostly by:

  • Starting the day with motivational quotes
  • Creating incentives, like gifting merchandise from my shop.

It’s also important for me to always be a friend. We all have hectic lives and sometimes this can be very overwhelming. Knowing that someone is there for you makes these times much better.

Habit #5: Relax & recharge.

For the extra busy entrepreneurial gal, this may be a challenge, but it’s essential. It’s great to be motivated and dedicated, but your mind and body need time to recover.

My personal favorite things to do to take a break from all things business include: going to the gym, having a spa day, or just staying in bed binge watching Netflix shows.

Find what makes your soul shine & do exactly that every once in a while to recharge those batteries.

Not allowing yourself to take a break will result in a burnout. If you think about it, we’re inspired by our lives, nature, the people we love, and the activities we enjoy, which is why we all need to take time to disconnect and re-inspire.

Habit #6: Stay hydrated.

As busy gals, we’re always on the go, which is why it’s so important to keep a water bottle with you at all times. Drinking water not only helps keep your skin stay glowing and fresh, but it also helps you think clearly and remain active.

Many nutritionists and health professionals recommend drinking half a gallon of water daily, which is about 7.5 water bottles. One trick that has helped me increase my intake of h2o is drinking 1 full bottle right when I wake up and 1 right before bed. Throughout the day, I’ll drink half of a water bottle before a meal and after. This has really helped me get in the habit of staying hydrated and has helped me feel healthier overall.

Habit #7: Plan for tomorrow.

Every night before bed, plan for tomorrow.

This is the tip that most successful entrepreneurs live by. Planning your tasks helps you remain focused and organized when you feel like you have too much on your plate.

I personally, don’t do this enough, but it’s 2019 and I’m ready for a change. Creating this night-time routine helps you stay organized and get more out of your busy day.

When I do this, I like to write down everything that I have to do for that day, starting with my most difficult task. Typically, this is getting a workout in. Don’t get me wrong, I love going to the gym, but there are just some days that it’s a struggle. In my agenda, I’ll even plan my meals so that I don’t find myself scrambling and not eating healthy.

Habit #8: Prioritize.

Make sure you have your priorities in check. Aside from business, we all have loved ones that we need to dedicate time to, hobbies that we cherish, and maybe a social life that we often times put on hold because we’re too busy.

As an entrepreneur, this is where you have to make a choice and sacrifice some things.

If you have an important event in your life, like a wedding for example, make sure to make that a priority. Plan your day so that you can attend the event and not miss out on getting your work done.

You may also have various goals in mind, which you need to organize. There are short-term goals and long-term goals. Distinguish the two and focus your energy on the short term goals. Do not overwhelm yourself with all of your visions, but rather organize them and pay mind to the ones that are in the present.

Habit #9: Write everything down.

If you’re anything like me, then your mind is always running. There are times that I’ll be singing in the shower and the most brilliant idea will come to me. So, I’ve learned.

Always keep a small journal or your “Notes” tab open on your phone and jot EVERYTHING down. Any idea, thought, or vision that may come to you might be useful in the future, so always write it down. Even if it’s 1 word or small phrase, this will trigger an emotion or a vision that you had that will inspire you.

This comes in handy, especially with blogging, because there are time that we hit writer’s block and can always turn to these notes to get some ideas.

Habit #10: Find your own routine.

As an entrepreneur, you’re your own boss, so you have to find a daily routine that works for you. All successful entrepreneurs may share some activities in their daily routines, but each person has something different that makes theirs unique.

My daily routine consists of getting up at 9am, going to the gym, taking a shower, eating breakfast, and then working through each task I have for that day. Although every day is very different, I make sure that my morning routine stays intact.

To figure out your routine, find things that will make you feel happy and productive and make sure to incorporate those things especially. Then, organize your tasks in a way that you see fit. I typically ask myself “What are my goals for today?” and this helps determine my schedule.

So there you have it babe!

A couple of the tips and tricks I use daily to help keep me sane! I’d love to read any of the tips you use that help you stay efficient and happy every day, so be sure to comment below 🙂